Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Just because spiders are so cool, and because I want to share more than just one post about my garden, I thought would share these pictures.

My husband took these pictures last night. I think he did a damn fine job of capturing this gal considering it was pitch black with the only light being from the bathroom and the nagging wife holding a flashlight yelling "Try a different angle, Bob!".

We watched this spider wrap three bugs and it didn't take long at all for her to prep her dinner. Maybe she'll come help me prep my holiday dinners this year.

Cool things happen in gardens. Just ask my kids.


The name of my Blog.

You may be thinking to yourself "Rebecca, what possessed you to name your garden The Holding Pit?". After all, it's not a nice sounding name. Would it had been better named Rebecca's little haven of heaven or perhaps Rebecca's piece of paradise? Perhaps, if you like idyllic sounding names for a place that truly doesn't deserve the honor yet. Although "The Holding Pit" may sound a bit purgatorious, I think it accurately reflects the state of my garden. As a matter of fact, I think the term "purgatorious" really cinches the deal. Indulge me for a moment as I go off into a religious vein.

Purgatory, as related in The Cathecism of the Catholic Church, means that "all who die in God's grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven." Okay. That works for me. So maybe I should loosely translate that into the Cathecism of Rebecca's garden. Let's see "all plants that enter into Rebecca's Garden in her grace and friendship, whether they be perfectly planted or not, are indeed assured that they will be cared for, tended and relocated until they achieve the holiness necessary to to actually thrive and define what is the joy of a garden". How exciting, I just wrote my first doctrine!

It's time to put aside the religious vibe and focus on the facts. The facts about my garden, fondly christened The Holding Pit, are as follows. It is simply a plot of land that I have decided to dig in. The few plants I have planted in the ground and growing in pots are waiting patiently until I can figure out where they really need to go. I have grand plans that everything I plant and grow will survive until I figure out what I am doing. I also have grand hopes that maybe it will look good. Last but not least is the fact that it is not perfect, yet I am enjoying every minute I spend in it and so are my children.

I would love to give you a witty ending today but I'm all tapped out. Instead I will just leave you with just one wish. I wish that you will enjoy watching my garden grow as much as I do.
