Monday, October 8, 2007

Fairy Garden!

Just this past weekend I took my Mother and my daughters to the Garden Infofest in Lewisville. It was sponsored by the Denton County Master Gardeners.

Now they had a lot of great things there. I did a great job of restraining myself and not going crazy buying tons of plants that I don't yet have room for. I managed to leave the event having only acquired five new plants! Amazing. A part of the reason I was able to exercise such unheard of restraint is that I have a plant swap coming up soon. I have to pace myself, this I know! Instead of acquiring lots of new plants, I came home with a new obsession, um, I mean project. A fairy garden. They had a container fairy garden up for auction that my girls and I just fell in love with.

I had heard of fairy gardens a long time ago. And honestly, I thought of the idea as a little goofy. But then when I saw one...Well, they are just downright charming. So we just had to stop off at Hobby Lobby on our way home to pick up a couple things.

It's a simple enough start for a fairy garden. Rock paths leading to a bench, a wishing well and a swan container. We were able to find tiny little pumpkins and brooms to help celebrate the month of October. My oldest wanted to buy Christmas decorations for the fairy garden, I was not surprised.

Little frogs are keeping the bench warm for the fairies. The girls love picking blooms and "planting" them near the bench. Even my little boy has a great time hopping the frogs up and down the paths.

Birdhouses decorate the grounds:-) The plant you see reaching out for the birdhouse is called a Persian Chocolate plant. The one that you can't really see in the upper left corner is a nigella. That's what the tag said. I looked it up and I think it is a love in a mist. I bought it for the ferny delicate leaves. There are two irises on either side which I think will be nice in spring.

The little miniature garden is at the edge of a bed. That way it is convenient for the kids to reach in and change things and play till their hearts are content. I can imagine we will get carried away and snake that path right along the length this bed and find lots of cute little charming fairy plants to add along the way.

I can't wait until the next Master Gardener sponsored event. There were so many things that I didn't get a chance to soak up. I had the kids, ya know? But we did take away a fun idea for our garden, some new babies and just a little bit more knowledge than we had before we went.

Just somebody do me a favor. Keep me away from the artsy craftsy stuff next time around!

1 comment:

Gardenmomma Chris said...

Hey Rebecca!
How much fun was that! I want to go next time they have it. Will you post the date ahead of time? I have been so busy with life, blog life has been on the back burner. But, I spent the whole weekend taking out 1/2 of my front yard and digging a new bed. I had lots of help! Anyway, that put me back into blog mode. Next week, I will post about last weekend's adventures. I just love your artsy crafty stuff. You look like a gardener after my own heart!